The conflicts between Hezbollah and Israel have led to a massive movement of refugees in Lebanon. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), there are around 843,000 internally displaced persons in Lebanon. Many of them are dependent on aid and are living in temporary accommodation, such as converted schools. Even though the ceasefire has largely held, people are still dependent on our support, as their homes, roads and entire villages have often been completely destroyed.
Even before the escalation of the Middle East conflict began, Lebanon was already in one of the worst economic and political crises in its history. Refugees are particularly hard hit. No other country in the world has taken in as many refugees in relation to its population as Lebanon. An estimated 1.5 million refugees from Syria meet an indigenous population of around 4.4 million Lebanese. In addition, around 250,000 Palestinian refugees live in Lebanon, some of whom have been there for several generations.
On the ground, we are actively involved in restoring and expanding the infrastructure, supporting medical care and providing help with food distribution.

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)
- Food distributions in refugee camps for Palestinians
- Distribution of food to needy people in the Lebanese population, especially families
- Distribution of food and other relief supplies to the civilian population fleeing due to the escalation of the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel

Health / Gesundheit (HEA)

- Financing the Mjaydel Medical Center to ensure a long-term and continuous medical structure for the local people
- Financial support for a mobile medical team
You can find more news about our project in Lebanon here.