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We are now active with our projects on four continents. Click on the yellow dots to learn more about our work in each country.

Bei einem Einsatz in Afghanistan hat Serkan unter anderem Öfen und Decken für die Menschen vor Ort gekauft.
• Ongoing projects


In Afghanistan, we provide orphans, widows, families and the rural population with relief supplies and food parcels.

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• Ongoing projects

Arusha | Tanzania

To ensure a better future for children in Tanzania, we support Kafika House, a rehabilitation center for children in the north-east of the country.

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Überschwemmung in Burundi
• Ongoing projects


Following the devastating floods that caused numerous rivers and bodies of water to overflow in Burundi, STELP is working with the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation to provide local emergency aid and support with reconstruction.

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Wasserprojekt in Nepal
• Ongoing projects

Devgaun | Nepal

At a primary school in Devgaun, we, together with our partners, have established a water treatment facility and by providing a truck, enabled the supply of drinking water to the entire region.

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• Ongoing projects

Duka Bovu | Tanzania

In collaboration with “Pflaster für Tansania e.V.”, we support the Meserani Snake Park Clinic in northern Tanzania. This specialized hospital focuses on the treatment of snakebites.

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Verletztes Mädchen aus dem Gaza Streifen mit versorgter Wunde am Auge.
• Ongoing projects

Gaza Strip

In the Gaza Strip, we support our partners from Cadus e. V. in their medical missions. Our Supporter on Site Jad distributes relief supplies at the Egyptian border.

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Serkan bindet einem Kind in Griechenland die Schuhe zu.
• Ongoing projects


Together with 11 other NGOs, we support the Parea Lesbos Community Center for refugees on the Greek island.

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Eine indische Frau gibt Menstruationsbinden an Schulmädchen aus.
• Ongoing projects


In India, we support the Amen Trust in carrying out local education programmes on menstruation and distributing sanitary menstrual products to young girls.

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Zwei Schüler aus dem Irak basteln an ihren Kunstwerken und lächeln dabei.
• Ongoing projects


We are helping to finance three teachers for Yazidi internally displaced persons in northern Iraq.

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• Ongoing projects

Kathmandu | Nepal

Since June 2020, we have been supporting the affiliated Esslingen association “Surya Kiran – ein Sonnenstrahl für Kinder e.V.” in financing the operation of their children’s home in Kathmandu.

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Serkan im Libanon
• Ongoing projects


In Lebanon, we support the restoration and expansion of infrastructure. We also provide assistance in food supply here as well. Furthermore, we are establishing our own medical center.

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Die Volunteers aus Tansania
• Ongoing projects

Mkenge | Tansania

We support “Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.” in building an orphanage where 20 babies will find a new, loving home.

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Auf dem Bild ist ein großer LKW mit diversen Hilfsgütern zu sehen. Auf dem LKW ist ein STELP Logo sowie ein Logo
• Ongoing projects


In Morocco, we provided emergency aid after the severe earthquakes in September and are now helping with reconstruction. The first container village has already been occupied by its residents.

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Das OPEN DOORS Education Center in Namibia.
• Ongoing projects


In Namibia, we support the association “Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e. V.” with an annual salary for a teacher in the OPEN DOORS education center.

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Eine Schulklasse aus Nepal, die jubelnd ihre Arme in die Luft heben.
• Ongoing projects


In Nepal, we ensure that 13 children go to school and have the opportunity to lead a self-determined life.

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Ein Bild der Mobile Dental Clinic.
• Ongoing projects


Together with the Dental Emergency Team, STELP operates a Mobile Dental Clinic to provide dental care to Ukrainian refugees at the Polish border.

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Hilfsgüter werden in der Türkei verteilt.
• Ongoing projects


In Turkey, we provided emergency aid after the earthquakes, built livable container villages and set up multilingual daycare centers.

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Verteilung von Hilfsgütern und Lebensmitteln in der Ukraine.
• Ongoing projects


Together with various partner organizations, we evacuate vulnerable people from embattled areas, provide the civilian population with urgently needed relief supplies and support the construction of container villages for internally displaced persons and shelters for schoolchildren.

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Schulkinder im Jemen während des Unterrichts.
• Ongoing projects


In Yemen, we run seven soup kitchens for around 2,000 pupils and around 90 teachers and set up our own tent school in 2021.

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Zwei Kinder aus Cesme.
• Completed Projects

Cesme | Turkey

On the ground, we provided refugees with relief supplies and taught children on the run in mobile schools.

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Chios - An der Grenze
• Completed Projects

Chios | Greece

On Chios, we developed a storage system for relief goods, helped run a soup kitchen and supplied local people in need with basic necessities.

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Kolumbien - Atention Center Migrant Women Natan
• Completed Projects

Cúcuta | Colombia

Together with local partners, we are establishing a support center for migrants in Cúcuta, the Colombian border city with Venezuela.

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Helen Fares redet mit einer Frau aus Kambodscha.
• Completed Projects

Phnom Penh | Kambodscha

In Phnom Penh, we provide children with school and English lessons so that they can lead a self-determined life in the future.

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Ein Hilfskonvoi mit Hilfsgütern in Syrien.
• Completed Projects


In Syria, we provided emergency aid after the earthquakes and delivered relief supplies to the crisis regions by truck.

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Ein Mann in Uganda hält frischen Honig in der Hand.
• Completed Projects


Since the end of 2020, we have been financially supporting a project in Uganda in which smallholder farmers are trained to become “ecopreneurs”.

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Bei einem Einsatz in Afghanistan hat Serkan unter anderem Öfen und Decken für die Menschen vor Ort gekauft.
• Ongoing projects


In Afghanistan, we provide orphans, widows, families and the rural population with relief supplies and food parcels.

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• Ongoing projects

Arusha | Tanzania

To ensure a better future for children in Tanzania, we support Kafika House, a rehabilitation center for children in the north-east of the country.

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Überschwemmung in Burundi
• Ongoing projects


Following the devastating floods that caused numerous rivers and bodies of water to overflow in Burundi, STELP is working with the Baden-Württemberg Development Cooperation Foundation to provide local emergency aid and support with reconstruction.

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Zwei Kinder aus Cesme.
• Completed Projects

Cesme | Turkey

On the ground, we provided refugees with relief supplies and taught children on the run in mobile schools.

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Chios - An der Grenze
• Completed Projects

Chios | Greece

On Chios, we developed a storage system for relief goods, helped run a soup kitchen and supplied local people in need with basic necessities.

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Kolumbien - Atention Center Migrant Women Natan
• Completed Projects

Cúcuta | Colombia

Together with local partners, we are establishing a support center for migrants in Cúcuta, the Colombian border city with Venezuela.

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Wasserprojekt in Nepal
• Ongoing projects

Devgaun | Nepal

At a primary school in Devgaun, we, together with our partners, have established a water treatment facility and by providing a truck, enabled the supply of drinking water to the entire region.

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• Ongoing projects

Duka Bovu | Tanzania

In collaboration with “Pflaster für Tansania e.V.”, we support the Meserani Snake Park Clinic in northern Tanzania. This specialized hospital focuses on the treatment of snakebites.

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Verletztes Mädchen aus dem Gaza Streifen mit versorgter Wunde am Auge.
• Ongoing projects

Gaza Strip

In the Gaza Strip, we support our partners from Cadus e. V. in their medical missions. Our Supporter on Site Jad distributes relief supplies at the Egyptian border.

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Serkan bindet einem Kind in Griechenland die Schuhe zu.
• Ongoing projects


Together with 11 other NGOs, we support the Parea Lesbos Community Center for refugees on the Greek island.

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Eine indische Frau gibt Menstruationsbinden an Schulmädchen aus.
• Ongoing projects


In India, we support the Amen Trust in carrying out local education programmes on menstruation and distributing sanitary menstrual products to young girls.

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Zwei Schüler aus dem Irak basteln an ihren Kunstwerken und lächeln dabei.
• Ongoing projects


We are helping to finance three teachers for Yazidi internally displaced persons in northern Iraq.

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• Ongoing projects

Kathmandu | Nepal

Since June 2020, we have been supporting the affiliated Esslingen association “Surya Kiran – ein Sonnenstrahl für Kinder e.V.” in financing the operation of their children’s home in Kathmandu.

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Serkan im Libanon
• Ongoing projects


In Lebanon, we support the restoration and expansion of infrastructure. We also provide assistance in food supply here as well. Furthermore, we are establishing our own medical center.

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Die Volunteers aus Tansania
• Ongoing projects

Mkenge | Tansania

We support “Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.” in building an orphanage where 20 babies will find a new, loving home.

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Auf dem Bild ist ein großer LKW mit diversen Hilfsgütern zu sehen. Auf dem LKW ist ein STELP Logo sowie ein Logo
• Ongoing projects


In Morocco, we provided emergency aid after the severe earthquakes in September and are now helping with reconstruction. The first container village has already been occupied by its residents.

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Das OPEN DOORS Education Center in Namibia.
• Ongoing projects


In Namibia, we support the association “Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e. V.” with an annual salary for a teacher in the OPEN DOORS education center.

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Eine Schulklasse aus Nepal, die jubelnd ihre Arme in die Luft heben.
• Ongoing projects


In Nepal, we ensure that 13 children go to school and have the opportunity to lead a self-determined life.

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Helen Fares redet mit einer Frau aus Kambodscha.
• Completed Projects

Phnom Penh | Kambodscha

In Phnom Penh, we provide children with school and English lessons so that they can lead a self-determined life in the future.

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Ein Bild der Mobile Dental Clinic.
• Ongoing projects


Together with the Dental Emergency Team, STELP operates a Mobile Dental Clinic to provide dental care to Ukrainian refugees at the Polish border.

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Ein Hilfskonvoi mit Hilfsgütern in Syrien.
• Completed Projects


In Syria, we provided emergency aid after the earthquakes and delivered relief supplies to the crisis regions by truck.

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Hilfsgüter werden in der Türkei verteilt.
• Ongoing projects


In Turkey, we provided emergency aid after the earthquakes, built livable container villages and set up multilingual daycare centers.

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Ein Mann in Uganda hält frischen Honig in der Hand.
• Completed Projects


Since the end of 2020, we have been financially supporting a project in Uganda in which smallholder farmers are trained to become “ecopreneurs”.

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Verteilung von Hilfsgütern und Lebensmitteln in der Ukraine.
• Ongoing projects


Together with various partner organizations, we evacuate vulnerable people from embattled areas, provide the civilian population with urgently needed relief supplies and support the construction of container villages for internally displaced persons and shelters for schoolchildren.

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Schulkinder im Jemen während des Unterrichts.
• Ongoing projects


In Yemen, we run seven soup kitchens for around 2,000 pupils and around 90 teachers and set up our own tent school in 2021.

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