About us

Every person, no matter where in the world, has the right to a self-determined life. With this goal in mind, we give our best day after day.

What we believe in

We alleviate acute need through rapid access to food, sanitation and medical care. Our long-term goal is to sustainably improve the lives of people in need through educational projects.

Our work would not be possible without financial support. Every single donation contributes to our success. We handle donations efficiently and transparently so that every euro goes to our projects.

Only together can we make a difference – far beyond the borders of our city. Be part of STELP and support us at events, on-site activities or directly in our aid projects.

Our vision

STELP campaigns for a world in which children, women and men – regardless of origin, age, sexual orientation or political and religious worldview – can live free of acute hardship and self-determinedly in dignity and security and can shape their future sustainably on their own.

Our values


We put all our energy and our passion into our projects. We actively listen and meet people at eye level. We put them and their right to a dignified life at the center of our actions. We have been lucky in life and we want to share that.


We give every resource the maximum impact. Thanks to our direct, quick and unbureaucratic help, the donations reach exactly where they are needed and make the lives of people in need a lot better.


When we are needed, we don't hesitate and get started. Full of energy and inner drive to help. And do it correctly and where it should arrive. That's why we don't let ourselves be stopped by boundaries that are set, by unnecessary rules that hinder us. It doesn't always have to be the perfect way, but it does have to be the most effective way in the current situation.


If you want to go fast, you have to take unconventional paths and let your gut overrule your head every now and then. We are not rigid in processes and decisions, but always agile and flexible. We always look for and find the solution and don't get stuck in the problem. So we keep finding ways, finding helpers and establishing networks. We accept what we find and get the most out of everything.


We help people in need. To do this, we take our hearts into our hands and courageously go where others don't dare go or where it becomes particularly challenging. Knocking on doors that seem locked at first glance. We don't always choose the safest path, but rather the most sensible one. Even or especially when we have to cross borders to do so. Each of us fights to ensure that help gets to where it is needed. Even with the knowledge that this can get us into trouble. But no one said it was easy to change the lives of millions.

Wie alles begann

Serkan Eren und sein Freund Steffen Schuldis legten 2015 mit der Hilfsaktion “Balkan Route Stuttgart” den Grundstein für den heutigen Verein STELP (STuttgart hELPs) e. V.. Damals, als mehr Menschen als je zuvor nach Europa und Deutschland kamen und Schutz vor Krieg, Armut und Verfolgung suchten, haben die Beiden ohne lange zu zögern gestrandeten Menschen in einem Flüchtlingscamp nahe der mazedonischen Grenze geholfen. Was mit einem einzigen Hilfstransport begann, wurde in wenigen Monaten zu drei Tonnen an Sachspenden – all das war nur möglich dank ungeahnter und beispielloser Unterstützung und Solidarität von Menschen aus Stuttgart und der ganzen Welt. Ein Jahr später entstand STELP.

Heute schauen wir zurück und können kaum glauben, dass wir zehntausende Menschen auf mittlerweile drei Kontinenten unterstützen und vor Krankheit und Tod bewahren konnten. Wir waren moralischer Beistand und haben gegen Durst und Hunger, Kälte und Obdachlosigkeit angekämpft — und gegen das Vergessen. Fast immer haben wir diesen Kampf gewonnen.


Learn more about our aid projects.


Get to know the team behind STELP.

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