Mkenge | Tansania

We support "Waisenkinder Tansania e. V." in building an orphanage where 20 babies will find a new, loving home.
Type of help

Living space

Project partner

Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.

STELP is helping since


Orphans are among the weakest members of Tanzanian society. Due to the consequences of HIV and AIDS, an estimated one million children grow up without their parents. The children often live in very difficult conditions with their relatives or on the street. They starve, have to work very hard and in many cases are psychologically and physically abused.

Der Rohbau des Waisenhaues in Tansania

Our Partner organization “Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.” already runs two orphanages for girls and boys in Tanzania. They grow up there in a loving home, attend school and have the opportunity to process their traumatic experiences and regain new energy. So far, the orphanage has not had the capacity to take in babies. However, the need here is just as great and urgent. Our partners at Waisenkinder Tansania e. V. repeatedly receive reports about babies who are abandoned in the wild and later found dead. We support “Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.” in building an orphanage where 20 babies will find a new, loving home.

Our partners in Tanzania:

Here you can find more news about our projects in Mkenge | Tanzania.

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