Type of help
School education
Project partners
STELP is helping since
![Kinder, welche durch NIDISI und STELP Zugang zu guter Bildung bekommen.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/32-_FUE1370-1024x683.jpg)
Only a few children in Nepal have access to education, and even fewer have access to good quality educational facilities. As a result, they are deprived of the opportunity to lead a self-determined life. In collaboration with three different schools in Nepal, NIDISI and STELP are currently providing access to quality educational facilities for 13 children. STELP takes on a significant portion of the funding for these 13 child sponsorships, which NIDISI continues to coordinate from Nepal. Despite high inflation, all 13 children will be able to continue enjoying their school education. Access to education – even less to good educational institutions. Accordingly,they are denied the chance to lead a self-determined life. In collaboration with three different schools in Nepal, NIDISI and STELP currently provide 13 children with access to good educational facilities. STELP provides much of the funding for 13 child sponsorships that NIDISI continues to coordinate out of Nepal. All 13 children will now continue to enjoy their school education despite the high inflation.
During the children’s school attendance, we provide them with guidance and support to ensure a nurturing environment and a successful education. After completing their education, we support the (now grown-up) children in finding their way into the Nepalese job market. Through close mentoring, we aim to ensure that the children not only develop intellectually but also personally. It is important for us to instill enough self-confidence in them so that they can stand up for themselves and their beliefs and be able to forge their own path in life.
![Schüler:innen aus Nepal.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/34-_FUE1381-1024x683.jpg)
Soon you can find more news about our project in Nepal here.
![Adhitya, ein junger nepalesischer Mann, steht lachend auf einem Berg in Nepal. Er trägt einen roten Kapuzenpullover und zeigt einen Daumen nach oben. Im Hintergrund sieht man ein Gebirge.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/1000080236-768x427.jpg)
![Ein Mitarbeiter von Nidisi steht in einem Klassenzimmer vor mehreren Schülern und Schülerinnen unterschiedlichen Alters, die auf Bänken sitzen.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/16032024_Education-Project_Amrapuri_NIDISI_Manandhar-1100-768x511.jpg)
![Gaby, unsere Supporterin on Site in Nepal, mit einem kleinen Kind aus Nepal.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/20200211_121013-768x346.jpg)
![Ein Mädchen aus Nepal hält ihr Abschlusszertifikat in den Händen.](https://stelp.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2-768x576.jpg)