Project Archive

Category: • Completed Projects

Ein Mann in Uganda hält frischen Honig in der Hand.
• Completed Projects


In Uganda, we support an education project and a project to train beekeepers.

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• Completed Projects


In the Philippines, we are supporting the construction of several wooden huts and a soup kitchen.

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Das Bild zeigt ein Mädchen in Mosambik an dem von STELP finanzierten Brunnen.
• Completed Projects


Together with our partners from Viva con Agua Switzerland, we are building two wells in Mozambique to supply local people with drinking water.

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Das OPEN DOORS Education Center in Namibia.
• Completed Projects


In Namibia, we support the association Tangeni Shilongo Namibia e. V. by financing a teacher’s salary for the OPEN DOORS Education Center school project.

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Eine Schulklasse aus Nepal, die jubelnd ihre Arme in die Luft heben.
• Completed Projects


In Nepal, we ensure that 13 children go to school and have the opportunity to lead a self-determined life.

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Ein Bild der Kinder im Plaster House.
• Completed Projects


Tanzania is the most populous country in East Africa. It is one

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Lebensmittel werden verteilt um die Bedürftigen zu unterstützen.
• Completed Projects


In Lebanon, we support the restoration and expansion of infrastructure and provide assistance with food supplies. Furthermore, we are establishing our own medical center.

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Verteilung von Hilfsgütern und Lebensmitteln in der Ukraine.
• Completed Projects


Together with various partner organizations, we evacuate vulnerable people from embattled areas, provide the civilian population with urgently needed relief supplies and support the construction of container villages for internally displaced persons and shelters for schoolchildren.

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