Tanzania is the most populous country in East Africa. It is one of the poorest in the world: around a third of the population lives in poverty. Over 80 percent of people work in agriculture, but droughts, floods and environmental problems such as coastal pollution threaten their livelihoods.
Medical care is inadequate and expensive in many places. Diseases such as malaria, AIDS and cholera claim many lives, especially among children and pregnant women. Many people simply cannot afford to see a doctor and in rural areas, medicines such as antivenom against snake bites are not even available.
Around one million orphans, whose parents have often died as a result of HIV and AIDS, live in difficult conditions and struggle with hunger, violence and exploitation.

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)
- Distribution of food parcels to people in need

Health / Gesundheit (HEA)

- Financial support for the procurement of a diagnostic device at the Meserani Snake Park Clinic
- Financing of an annual salary for a doctor and financing of antivenom in the Meserani Snake Park Clinic

Education / Bildung (EDU)
- Financing of school fees for children in cooperation with Waisenkinder Tansania e. V. in 2023

Shelter and Settlement / Notunterkünfte und Siedlungen (SHS)

- Financial support for the running costs of the orphanage in Tanzania
- Finanzielle Unterstützung des Baues eines Baby Waisenhauses in Tansania
Here you can find our current projects in Tanzania.
Our partners in Tanzania:
Here you can find more news about our projects in Tanzania.