Zwei Schüler aus dem Irak basteln an ihren Kunstwerken und lächeln dabei.


The terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) spread fear and terror in Iraq. Yazidis in particular suffered greatly under the reign of terror, and in 2023 the genocide by IS was officially recognized by the German government.

They fled their home, the Shingal region, around ten years ago. But even years after liberation, it still resembles a field of rubble. Some families wanted to preserve one last piece of their sovereignty and instead of settling in the overcrowded camps for refugees, they settled in the abandoned villages in the north, from which people were in turn displaced by IS.

Ein Icon für Bildung.

Education / Bildung (EDU)

  • Financing of three teachers in the HELIN educational center of the association Hand für Hand e. V., where Yazidi children and adults are taught in various areas
Eine Gruppe von Schulkindern aus dem Nordirak jubelt in die Kamera. Sie halten gebastelte Sachen in der Hand.

Our partners in Iraq:

Here you can find more news about our project in Iraq.

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