Fabian Strahler is managing partner of Creditreform Stuttgart Strahler KG. He has been a STELP partner since October 2019 and supports us whenever we need him. Be it with short-term financial support, his large Stuttgart network, his expertise or his generosity. Fabian’s heart is in the right place – and we appreciate the fact that we can always count on him.
STELP: When was your first point of contact with STELP?
Fabian Strahler: My first encounter with STELP was at a VfB sponsorship event at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in 2018. We stood at a table with Timo [Hildebrand] until Serkan joined us. He introduced himself and quickly began promoting the first STELP gala. It was so convincing that we accepted without even knowing STELP.
STELP: What was your most defining STELP moment?
Fabian Strahler: Good question. It may not have been a direct moment, but it was the realization that we, as Creditreform, could really make a difference. Especially at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, a lot of things were needed quickly. We were able to activate the Creditreform network in a very short time and set up contacts who could provide what was needed. In particular, Carsten Gries of the BERGER GROUP, who helped with shelving for the warehouse in Poland, and Bempflinger, who, together with the TVB Stuttgart, made it possible to transport the food. We were also surprised how quickly and easily subsequent help could be provided.
STELP: Where does your motivation to support STELP come from?
Fabian Strahler: You don’t really need any motivation for it, it happens automatically because you know what you’re doing it for. You know the organization, you know the people, and you always feel like the right thing is being done. That’s what STELP is all about. I don’t feel that the effort is a burden, it’s just clear that if something needs to be done, you help. This is also due to the dedication of the entire team, which sets an example.
STELP: Which charity project is particularly close to your heart (and why)?
Fabian Strahler: I have never supported STELP for a specific project, but I have supported the organization because I always feel and trust that the right thing is being done and because I know that the help is going where it is needed. Due to the topicality and the proximity to Ukraine, the war support has of course come to the fore, also because we were able to help there decisively through our contacts.
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