Annual report 2018


Another year of STELP is in our fledgling books.

Unfortunately, also another year in which the work of aid organizations has not become superfluous. Despite this – or perhaps because of it – we are proud of what we have achieved together in only our third year. We have been able to implement projects on three continents, providing thousands of people with access to food, water and education ( > projects). None of this would have been possible without the incredible support from all corners and layers of Stuttgart and beyond. Countless activities such as concerts, world record attempts or information booths have helped us to collect donations and to draw attention to the situation in the project countries. ( > milestones).

In addition, in 2018 we were able to grow our structures together with the new requirements. Serkan’s full-time position is already paying off in many ways. In addition, the newly founded gGmbH will result in new and exciting revenue opportunities in the future  ( > full-time position & gGmbH). There was also news from the Board of Management. As an extended member, Timo Hildebrand is now also directly involved in the association’s management for STELP. Most importantly, though the STELP family has gotten even bigger in 2018, it’s also getting closer. Without the great support from a wide variety of people and organizations, all this work would not be possible.

And cohesion will continue to be urgently needed, because 2019
has already started furiously: With a fundraising gala at which we were able to collect an incredible 100,000€. With further relief projects in Yemen and Africa. With new actions in culture & sports and with numerous new contacts & friends. Unfortunately, we will not become superfluous in 2019 – but we will become louder and louder!

The lecture

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