Meet our Partner: Sophia Rödiger

Sophia Rödiger is CMO of 1KOMMA5° and founder and entrepreneur herself. She is a partner of STELP with her company MountainMinds. A stroke of fate forced her to experience the finite nature of life first-hand. Now she wants to use her good fortune and privilege to give something back to the world.

Sophia Rödiger is CMO of 1KOMMA5° and founder and entrepreneur herself. She is a partner of STELP with her company MountainMinds. A stroke of fate forced her to experience the finite nature of life first-hand. Now she wants to use her good fortune and privilege to give something back to the world.


STELP: Hey Sophia. Before we start, what was your first point of contact with STELP?
Sophia Rödiger:Credits go to my MountainMinds partner Lukas. We wanted to find a local donation project that really puts 100% of the donations into the projects and that we can actively participate in. I myself would like to do a mission on site soon.

STELP: What has been your most formative STELP moment so far?
Sophia Rödiger: The Yoga for Good events have a very special energy for me. They are a stop-moment in our fast-paced everyday lives, where we connect with others and reflect on what is really important right now.

My most formative moment was the Gala 2022: an interplay of emotions: between stories of experiences from the worst crisis areas, Michelin-starred cuisine and several hundred thousand in the donation pot. The contrasts were so moving that you almost couldn’t put the food down!

I think it’s important to keep reminding ourselves of these privileges, this good fortune that we have to live where we are. It doesn’t always have to be so blatant!

STELP: And what characterizes the STELP team for you?
Sophia Rödiger: A clear mission, incredible commitment and a bit of crazy (over)courage – the team gives everything for the cause.

STELP: Where does your incredible motivation to support STELP come from?
Sophia Rödiger: Firstly, I am absolutely behind the development of STELP. As a company, it was particularly important for us to find an initiative where we are absolutely sure and also know through transparency that 100% of the money goes to projects and that the people who work there are actively involved in the crisis areas on the ground.

On the other hand, I have a very personal connection to STELP. Serkan, as the founder and also as the role model and face of this initiative, once spoke of an experience where he came face to face with the finite nature of life. Because of my own medical history, I know exactly what he is talking about with this experience. And that connects us. I believe that in the end, once you have experienced such humility, you ask yourself: What is the meaning I am creating? What is perhaps the greater purpose of investing my life and everything I have into this? We are very privileged.

We are very lucky to be in this place at this moment and to have been born here in this moment of happiness. And that’s exactly what I want to bring out into the world and give back. The partnership at STELP is a great opportunity to do this.

STELP: Which aid project is particularly close to your heart and why?

Sophia Rödiger: I am particularly interested in the projects in which we build infrastructure in the long term, i.e. in schools, settlements or local hospitals. Like in Tanzania or Turkey.

STELP: Describe STELP in one word.

Sophia Rödiger: #Stuttgarthelps

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