Meet our Partner: Trajanos (Aki) Sipakis

This month we introduce you to Aki, who not only supplies many companies in Stuttgart with his drinks business, but also supports our non-profit bar NATAN. In this interview, he reveals why Aki not only supports us with drinks, but has also been a partner of ours for a long time.

Partner Interview

STELP: When was your first point of contact with STELP?
Aki: I first came into contact with STELP about a year before the opening of the non-profit café NATAN. A good friend of mine told me that Serkan wanted to open a café for a good cause in Stuttgart. I then met up with Serkan and he told me all the things he had done and was doing. I was so impressed that I immediately realised that I wanted to support this vision and mission. Serkan immediately grabbed me with his honesty, authenticity and empathy and I think what he is doing is extremely important and right. I assured him that I would support and help him with everything to do with drinks for the non-profit café NATAN. And that’s exactly how it turned out.
Translated with (free version)

STELP: What was your most memorable STELP moment?
Aki: This was definitely my first STELP Gala in 2021 – the same year NATAN opened its doors. The emotional rollercoaster ride between delicious food, good drinks and interesting conversations on the one hand, but also the insights into STELP’s aid projects and relief efforts, which show the incredible suffering in this world and open our eyes, on the other hand, really got my wife and I going. This gala has stayed with me for a long time and I have often thought about this evening. STELP has perfectly managed to tread this fine line and draw attention to the suffering of many people in the world at this fantastic event.

STELP: What makes the STELP team stand out for you?
Aki: Clearly honesty and transparency. It is extremely important to me that I know what happens with my donations – and STELP is super transparent in this respect. The idea of covering structural costs such as salaries, rent, etc. not from regular donations but from partner donations was something I had never heard of before. As an entrepreneur, I know how important it is to have a functioning team in the background. That’s why I’m happy to support the STELP partner programme with full conviction, enabling 100% of the regular donations for aid projects to arrive there without any deductions. What also impresses me about STELP is that they always help quickly and unbureaucratically (e.g. in Ukraine or during the earthquake in Turkey or Syria) – they don’t think or discuss for long, they just do it. This attitude and commitment is unique for me and I don’t know of any other aid organisation that acts in the same way.

STELP: Where does the motivation to support STELP come from?
I am aware of how well my family and I are doing here in Germany. This privilege cannot be taken for granted and that’s why I’ve always wanted to give something of my good fortune back. With STELP, I finally found an organisation in 2021 that I can identify with 100%. As I don’t have time to be active myself, it’s a perfect fit that I can support STELP as a partner and the NATAN as a drinks supplier.

STELP: In brief – what does STELP stand for for you?
Aki: Honest. Likeable. Good for the world.

STELP: Which project is especially close to your heart?
Aki: Actually all of them – I think it’s great how selectively STELP chooses its projects and really prioritises maximum impact. I also think it’s good that STELP doesn’t just specialise in one area, but also has some educational projects in its portfolio alongside emergency aid. Unfortunately, suffering has many different facets and I am glad that there is STELP, which is committed to making the world a little better every day.

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