Meet our Partner: Die Crew

The Stuttgart-based advertising agency Die Crew has been a partner of STELP for around one and a half years. In this interview, they tell us what STELP stands for and why they don't have a favorite project.

The Stuttgart-based advertising agency Die Crew (pictured: the management) has been a STELP partner for around two years. In this interview, they tell us what STELP stands for and why they don’t have a favorite project.


STELP: When was your first point of contact with STELP?
Die Crew: In Stuttgart you can’t avoid STELP ;-). Our first major point of contact as a team, a few months after we became partners, was the Gala 2022, which encouraged us to support the right organization.

STELP: What was your most defining STELP moment?
Die Crew: There is no one moment, but the many “online moments” where we see what STELP or the STELP community can do and how we can make the lives of the weakest and most vulnerable a little better. Text editor

STELP: What makes the STELP team stand out for you?
Die Crew: The STELP team does great work in two dimensions: Firstly, it helps quickly, pragmatically and efficiently where necessary. Secondly, the team does a great job towards the partners and makes sure that the support not only feels right, but is also fun.

STELP: Where does the motivation to support STELP come from?
Die Crew:
We have always sporadically supported NGOs here and there. Mostly in specific emergency situations after natural disasters or in other crisis situations. We were so impressed by the work and approach of STELP that we decided to become a permanent partner.

STELP: For what does STELP stand for for you?
Die Crew: For us, STELP stands for extremely fast, pragmatic and effective help directly on the ground and at the same time for a new kind of NGO that is not only very transparent thanks to the partner model, but also constantly finds innovative ways to inspire and activate donors.

STELP: Which aid project is particularly close to your heart?
Die Crew: Answering this question would mean judging the fates behind the aid projects, and we don’t want to presume to do that. That’s why STELP is particularly close to our hearts, because we trust that you are the best judges of where the need is greatest and how best to help.

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