The situation in eastern Ukraine is coming to a head

Almost every place our Frontline team visited during their last mission is under fire. Why this makes our missions all the more important.

We have been working in Ukraine for two years to help the local people. It is important for us to be there ourselves time and again. Last week, STELP founder Serkan Eren set off with a small crew to visit our project partners.

During his mission, he visited Leo States, a joint project with the Ukrainian Friends Foundation, a place of refuge for people who have lost their homes due to the war. The container village is located in the village of Khorosno in the Lviv region. Over the past two years, the project has provided free housing for hundreds of internally displaced people. At Leo States Ukraine, residents receive psychological and medical support as well as opportunities for adaptation and employment.

Ein Bild von Menschen, vor allem Kindern, die im Leo States Ukraine leben, ein Zufluchtsort für Menschen, die im Krieg ihr zuhause verloren haben.

Together with our frontline crew from Zhyva Nadiya, Serkan has also completed relief missions near the frontline. There they distributed relief supplies to people who, for various reasons, cannot or do not want to leave their homes.

The situation is now getting worse, especially in eastern Ukraine. Almost every place the crew supplies is under fire. STELP founder Serkan Eren and the frontline team from Zhyva Nadiya are aware that the people they supply in the villages near the frontline may soon be living under Russian occupation. This makes these missions all the more important, not only to provide the people with the necessary relief supplies, but also to show the Ukrainians that we will continue to stand by their side and not leave them alone.

If you would also like to contribute, please share this reel and support the Ukrainians with your donation. Every euro counts and every donation arrives. 💙

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