Memorial donations

In difficult moments of parting, we look for ways to express our sympathy and our memory of a loved one. We believe that memorial donations are not only a heartfelt gesture, but also an opportunity to do good in the name of the deceased.

If you would like to make memorial donations in the event of a bereavement, we will be happy to set up a separate donation campaign for you. Simply contact Nikolaus and let him know your name and the desired period or day of the memorial service. If you would like to collect donations for a specific country, please also let us know the country. You can find an overview of our projects and where we are active here.

You will then receive your personalized donation link, which you can then forward to the mourners. If you wish, we can also display the current donation status and the donation target on your individual donation page. Please understand that for data protection reasons we are not allowed to give you any information about the amount of individual donations.

Of course, mourners can also donate directly to us:

Enter the following details in the obituary:

Account holder:
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
DE32 4306 0967 7001 8011 00
Bitte beachte, dass wir ohne individuelle Spendenkampagne keine gesicherte Auskunft über die Höhe des gesammelten Spendenbetrages geben können. Wenn du dies wünscht, melde dich bitte direkt bei Nikolaus.

Further information

Would you like to mention STELP in your will? You can find more information here.

Do you still have a question that has not been answered?
Then get in touch with Anna directly.


Anna Baltruschat

Ein Bild von Anna Baltruschat, Managerin im Backoffice.

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Danke für deine Ankündigung!

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Thanks for your support!

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Merry Christmas!

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Thank you for your donation

Your donation was successful. You will shortly receive a confirmation email from us in which you will find all the details listed again. Your donation will be debited from your account in approx. 3-5 working days. If you have any further questions, feel free to talk to us personally or write us an e-mail.

Thank you for your admission!

Your admission was successful! You will shortly receive a confirmation email from us in which you will find all the details listed again. If you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail.

Thank you for your admission!

Your admission was successful! You will shortly receive a confirmation email from us in which you will find all the details listed again. If you have any further questions, please contact us by e-mail.