An orphanage for babies in Tanzania

We are building an orphanage for babies in Tanzania together with Waisenkinder Tansania e. V.. Up to 20 parentless babies will find a safe home here. Donations are still needed to complete the house.
We are very happy to present you our new project: In cooperation with Waisenkinder Tansania e. V. we are building an orphanage for babies in Mkenge, Tanzania! We are proud that with Waisenkinder Tansania e. V. we have great and experienced partners at our side, who already run two orphanages for children in Mwandege. But back to the beginning – what has happened so far? In recent months and weeks, the first important milestones have already been reached. After obtaining the building permit, the electricity, which previously only reached as far as the elementary school 500 meters away, was laid to the future orphanage. This power supply made it possible to install water pumps and prepare the entire water supply. The water tower, which we also financed, is also important for this. This created the basic conditions to start building the house.

Oprhanage for up to 20 babies

The house, which is now almost finished, is an orphanage for babies. In the future, up to 20 babies will find a safe and loving home here. Every child deserves the chance to grow up healthy and happy – and unfortunately that is not a given in Tanzania. Due to the consequences of HIV and AIDS, an estimated one million children grow up without their parents. Children often live in very difficult conditions with their relatives or on the street. They starve, have to work hard and are mentally and/or physically abused. We would like to cooperate with Waisenkinder Tansania e. V. to give these children a safe home and a fair chance for education and a self-determined life. We would like to thank the Herma company, which provided a large part of the financing for the house. Without their generous support, the project could not have been implemented so quickly.

Building materials and furniture are missing for completion

But we are still in need of support! With your help we can provide building materials, furniture and necessary equipment for the orphanage. Currently, 20,000 EUR are still missing for the completion of the house. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference in the lives of these children.

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