Memorial donations
In difficult moments of parting, we look for ways to express our sympathy and our memory of a loved one. We believe that memorial donations are not only a heartfelt gesture, but also an opportunity to do good in the name of the deceased.
There is currently one way to make a memorial donation.
Memorial donation in the announcement of the deceased
If you would like to make a memorial donation in the obituary, please arrange a keyword with us. Please fill in the form below. In die Traueranzeige kannst du anschließend unsere Bankdaten sowie das vereinbarte Stichwort angeben. You can then enter our bank details and the agreed keyword in the obituary. Please understand that for data protection reasons we are not allowed to provide information about the amount of individual donations.
Memorial donation
Create online
In just a few steps, you can easily create your own donation campaign and then share it via a personal donation link. After receiving a donation, donors automatically receive a thank you email. In addition, they will automatically receive a donation receipt in the following year if they have selected this option when donating.
Of course, mourners can also donate directly to us:
Enter the following data in your obituary:
Further information
Would you like to mention STELP in your will? You can find more information here.
Do you still have a question that has not been answered?
Then get in touch with Martina directly.