Meet the Team: Nikolaus

Nikolaus is responsible for the partner program and cooperations at STELP. Find out in the interview why his assignment abroad at the end of 2019 made a lasting impression on him and how he came to STELP.


STELP: What is your STELP story?

Niko: My STELP story began in 2019. At that time, I was a volunteer abroad with a friend at our then project partner IMECE in Turkey and provided refugees in the surrounding camps for refugees in Cesme with the essentials (food, hygiene articles, rubber boots, blankets, etc.). We also took in mothers and their children in our self-catering village. Looking after the children was also a central part of my work on site. These impressions and emotions have never left me. So after almost two and a half years, I returned to STELP in April 2022 – first as a volunteer and then as a permanent employee in September 2022. Since then, I have been a permanent part of this incredible aid organization and am thrilled every day anew by how much we can achieve as a team together with our supporters and donors and what a difference each individual makes.

STELP: Which project is particularly close to your heart?

Niko: Our project in Afghanistan is particularly close to my heart, as it shows me what STELP is all about: speed and impact. Shortly after the Taliban took power in August 2021, we managed to evacuate some highly vulnerable people together with partner organizations. Unfortunately, the situation on the ground has hardly improved since then. Thanks to your donations, however, we are able to provide particularly vulnerable people such as orphans, widows and Afghan refugees who have been pushed back to the Pakistani border with the most basic necessities. Whether food, hygiene articles or other aids such as stoves or tents – we are saving lives.

STELP: When is the perfect time for a meeting with you?

Niko: Preferably in the morning – my head is still fresh and the meetings are more efficient. But if the topics aren’t too complex, I also like to have a relaxed beer in our non-profit bar NATAN.

STELP: What does your perfect lunch date look like?

Niko: With the whole team – it doesn’t matter where or when.

STELP: How do you clear your head?

Niko: Firstly, because of my son – one smile from him and the worries/problems from work are forgotten. If that doesn’t help, I’ll have to get out and exercise! Jogging, soccer or tennis – the main thing is to get some fresh air and clear my head.

STELP: Home-Office or coming into the office?

Niko: I actually really enjoy working in the office – the exchange with the team is extremely important to me (especially because the areas of responsibility are so different here and you always stay up-to-date). In the last six months, however, I’ve been working from home more often due to the birth of my son. For 2024, I’m determined to go back to the office a lot more – now that we have such a great new office at Uhlandstraße 14.

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