Success in Nepal: Two girls now state-certified nurses

Since 2020, we have been financially supporting the Esslingen-based association Surya Kiran in the operation of two children's homes for 28 girls in Nepal. Two of the girls have now graduated as state-certified nurses.

We support the Esslingen association Surya Kiran -ein Sonnenstrahl für Kinder e.V. financially in the operation of two children’s homes. 28 young girls in need have found a new home there.

And there is great news: Two of the girls recently graduated as state-certified nurses. Congratulations to Smiriti and Sangam on successfully passing their exams! Both belong to the first group of girls who moved into the first children’s home seven years ago. Now they are looking for jobs and are busy applying to various hospitals.

Vacations for the girls

In Nepal, the German winter months are the big school vacation. At the end of the school year, a meeting was therefore held with the girls’ parents and relatives. Preparations were already in full swing days beforehand. On the day, everyone was able to enjoy delicious food together and the girls were able to proudly show off their newly acquired skills to the visitors. We are delighted that, together with Surya Kiran, we can give the girls a sheltered childhood and give them good prospects for the future.

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