5th STELP fundraising gala
November 16, 2024
We live in a time characterized by wars and natural disasters, by compassion and solidarity, by fear and indifference. We often no longer know which city in the Ukraine is on the front line, or switch off the news when gruesome images from the Gaza Strip are shown. We protect ourselves and feel helpless. But we must not forget one thing: Behind every picture, behind every headline, there is a story, a life.
The past galas have shown: Together we can change something, make a difference. We can ensure that Diana, a 21-year-old woman, is evacuated from the front line in Ukraine or that Sangam, a girl from Nepal, is not forced into prostitution but can learn her dream job as a nurse.
On November 16, we invite you to our first gala anniversary at the Mercedes-Benz Museum to honor the stories of these people. We invite you to join us for an evening between two worlds.
Let’s use our 5th STELP fundraising gala to be grateful.
Grateful for the opportunities we have because of our privileges.
Grateful for the opportunity to use them and help others.
Grateful for this moment.

Für uns bei STELP ist es wichtig, mit unseren Spenden transparent und nachhaltig zu sein. That’s why we have developed our unique partner program . Of course, these values are also important to us at our events. We are therefore particularly proud of the fact that the gala generates almost no costs for STELP. Whether it’s tablecloths, food or the artists, who waive their fee, (almost) everything is donated or sponsored. And if any costs should arise, we have generous supporters who will cover them for us. We can only manage an evening like this thanks to our sponsors and the support of our volunteers. Around 80 volunteers work in front of and behind the stage, setting up, serving the menu or taking care of the smooth running of the event. And many of them are already helping to plan and implement our fundraising gala weeks and months before the event. Thank you for your support.

Once again this year, we will be announcing the raffle prizes and other information via our own STELP app. You can find the download links here.
Main sponsors


//The 5th STELP Donation Gala is a joint event of STELP e. V. and STELP Events UG. The entire profit of STELP Events UG goes to our aid organization and benefits our worldwide aid projects //.