Supporter on Site: Alex in the Ukraine

Our Supporter on Site Alex has been working full-time as a volunteer near the front line in eastern Ukraine for a year. In this interview, he explains why he swapped his job in the automotive industry for a dangerous life near the front line.

We are currently active on four continents and in 14 countries. Our goal: to help as quickly and efficiently as possible. How does this work? Thanks to our partners in the countries where we are active! They speak the local language, are well networked, have important contacts and, above all, they are always on site. To get to know our so-called “Supporters on Site” better, we introduce them to you in our interview series.

One of them is Alex Vetrov from Ukraine. Before the war, he had a completely “normal” job. Now he has devoted himself full-time to helping his compatriots. He regularly travels to the front line on missions with the organization zhyva nadiya. As the borders there shift on a daily basis and the parties are directly opposed to each other, these regions are considered particularly dangerous. For this reason, very few other NGOs are active there. Nevertheless, there are still a few people living here who either cannot or do not want to leave their homes. We have explained why this is the case in this article. These people are supplied with food and other relief supplies by Alex.

STELP: Introduce yourself briefly: Who are you and in which country do you work with STELP?
Alex:My name is Alex Vetrov. I am a Ukrainian citizen, a Christian and a volunteer.

STELP: How did your NGO come to work with STELP?
Alex: A year ago, we undertook a joint mission with Serkan – in an occupied area in the Kharkiv region.

STELP: What is your main job? What does your volunteer work involve?
Alex: Before the invasion, I worked as a private entrepreneur in the automotive industry. Since the beginning of the war, however, this industry has been very weakened and that’s why I’m currently working full-time as a volunteer.

STELP: What is your personal motivation for doing what you do?
Alex: I want to see the Ukrainian flag flying over my hometown Donetsk, which has been under occupation by Russian rebels since 2014.

STELP: What aspect of your mission is most important to you personally and why?
Alex: We work with civilians who have suffered greatly. Being a support and help for these people is the most important thing for me. It’s not just about bringing people food, relief supplies and clothing. We also want to show people love and respect, hug them and shake their hands.

STELP: Do you have a motto in life?
Alex: My motto is a Bible verse: I can do all things through him who strengthens me, Christ!

Serkan and Alex were accompanied by filmmaker Haponenko on one of the last missions. You can see the result here:

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