Strong partners can make a big difference
You can download our communication kit here.
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Option 1 (We):
We are partner:in of STELP e. V.
STELP e. V. is a civilian aid organization from Stuttgart that alleviates hardship through rapid access to food, sanitary products and medical care.
What is special about STELP? A donation for aid projects arrives without deductions and 100% on site. STELP has launched the partner program to finance the structural costs. We are proud to be Company name (here is space for your company name) STELP e. V. as a long-term and sustainable partner. Through our donations to the partner program, we ensure that STELP can continue to help people in need quickly and in an impact-oriented manner in the future.
More about STELP e. V.
Option 2 (Me):
I am a partner of STELP e. V.
STELP e. V. is a civilian aid organization from Stuttgart that alleviates hardship through rapid access to food, sanitary products and medical care.
What is special about STELP? A donation for aid projects arrives without deductions and 100% on site. STELP has launched the partner program to finance the structural costs. I am proud to be able to support STELP e. V. as a long-term and sustainable partner. Through my donations to the partner program, I ensure that STELP can continue to help people in need quickly and in an impact-oriented manner in the future.
More about STELP e. V.
Partner logo and text for website as a post on your company website.
Partner-Logo in the Footer.
We would also be delighted if you could share a picture of yourselves and your certificates on social media and link to us using #stelppartner2024.
Together, let’s make the STELP partner program even bigger and make sure as many people as possible know about it.

More partners
More power
We are always available for requests, suggestions for improvement, queries or other topics concerning STELP.