STELP: What is your STELP story?
Ulrike: In January 2022, I felt like starting something new. The original idea was to help people declutter – to organize their lives a bit, so to speak. But then a call for help came from Serkan via my husband Erhan: STELP needed support in the area of finance. In February 2022, I met with Linda (CFO at STELP) and Steffen (former CFO at STELP), and “cleaning out apartments” became “cleaning up finances”. I’ve been at it ever since.
STELP: Which project is particularly close to your heart?
Ulrike: The Lebanon!
STELP: What makes STELP special for you?
Ulrike: Clearly the people behind it and who are committed to it. Without them, STELP would not be what it is.
STELP: What does your perfect lunch date look like?
Ulrike: An invitation to a home-cooked meal – that’s the best thing for me!
STELP: How do you clear your head?
Ulrike: There is a lot! I love going for walks in the woods, meeting friends or playing games – with one exception: Monopoly. I like puzzles, watching “Gilmore Girls” (they just have the best sense of humor!), and gardening or physical activities also help me to unwind. I also like tidying and decluttering, listening to podcasts and going to concerts.