Meet the Team: Katja

Katja has been supporting the team for around six months as a working student in the area of aid projects & volunteers. In this interview, Katja shares the role Instagram played in her joining our team.


Katja supports the project team as a working student. She already has a Bachelor’s degree in international social work and is currently studying theology as a second degree. She has turned her passion for photography into a side job and combines it with traveling – preferably to her home country of Croatia.

STELP: What is your STELP story?

Katja: I first became aware of STELP through my circle of friends. When I started looking for a working student job in the social sector, the Instagram algorithm helped me out and presented STELP at its best. I was immediately impressed by the hands-on mentality, the dedicated team and, above all, the creative way in which the aid organization presents itself.

STELP: Which project is particularly close to your heart?

Katja: STELP supports such a wide variety of projects that it is not easy to choose just one project that is close to our hearts. However, I am particularly grateful for our cooperation with Cadus e.V., currently the only German NGO on the ground in Gaza. In particular, we provide financial support for emergency aid for children and babies. Even if the devastating images cannot be forgotten, it is still heartening to know that a contribution is being made locally and that children are being given a chance.

STELP: When is the perfect time for a meeting with you?

Katja: In the morning, everything important is worked through, so it’s best to have a sweet snack in the meeting room after the lunch break. 🙂

STELP: What does your perfect lunch date look like?

Katja: Somewhere outside in the sun, a delicious pasta or sushi. That’s all you need.

STELP: How do you clear your head?

Katja: A long walk with my dog or coffee dates with my girls are always good for the soul.

STELP: Home-office or office?

Katja: For the start of the week, I prefer a relaxed pace working from home, with a bit more action in the office midweek. So a good mix of both.

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