Meet the Team: Ulrike

Ein Foto von unserer ehrenamtlichen Controllerin Ulrike.

Ulrike is our woman of numbers and has a great passion for order and structure. Perfect for STELP, because as a controller she works with our finance team to make our finances shine. In this interview, she tells us why she loves to declutter – whether it’s apartments or finances.

Supporter on Site: Izabela

Izabela is our supporter on site in northern Greece. She runs a free store for refugees there with her NGO Habibi.Works.

Meet our Partner: Iris Hammer

Ein Bild von Iris Hammer, Volunteer bei STELP.

Iris Hammer is not only a partner at STELP, she is also one of our longest supporters. As a volunteer, she is also involved in our non-profit café NATAN and has become an integral part of the STELP & NATAN family.

Meet the Team: Jessica

Ein Foto von Jessi, die sich bei STELP um alle HR Themen kümmert.

Jessica works full-time for a large corporation as a personnel officer. Jessi also deals with all HR-related issues at STELP. In this interview, she explains why working with children and families at STELP particularly appeals to her.

Supporter on Site: Ange from Burundi

Ein Bild von unserer Supporterin on Site Ange aus Burundi.

Ange is our supporter on site in Burundi. With her association Kaz’O’zah, she supports women in the development and expansion of their local businesses.

Meet our Partner: Mihaela Manachidis

Unsere Partnerin Mihaela.

Mihaela Manachidis is a partner of STELP with her beauty salon. From Afghanistan to Beirut: STELP’s commitment has touched her deeply and inspired her to stand up for people in need. An interview about courage and gratitude.

Supporter on Site: Mirsada from Bosnia-Herzegovina

Ein Bild von Mirza und Mirsada

Mirsada is our Supporter on Site in Bosnia-Herzegovina. With her association “Radosti druženja”, she has founded a meeting center for children and adults with disabilities in Bihać. Find out what motivates her in her work in the interview.

Meet our Partner: Andrea Herold und Tina Kammer

Ein Portraitfoto von Andrea Herold und Tina Kammerer, Partnerinnen mit ihrer Firma Interior Park.

This month we introduce you to our partners Andrea Herold and Tina Kammer. With their company InteriorPark, they advise companies on all aspects of sustainability strategies. In this interview, they explain how their day-to-day work also fits in with the work of STELP.

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