World Food Day 2023

World Food Day is held annually on October 16. This year, we also want to remember the approximately 735 million people who suffer from hunger every day. Children and young people are particularly affected.

On World Food Day 2023, we commemorate the approximately 735 million people worldwide who go to bed hungry every day. Children and young people are particularly affected.
To mark the occasion, Welthungerhilfe has published the World Hunger Index 2023, which shows shocking results: There has been little progress compared to the previous year, and in some countries the situation has even worsened.

Yemen ranks third to last in this year’s World Hunger Index. Nearly 50% of children in Yemen are currently stunted in their growth due to malnutrition, and about 14% are even emaciated. Overall, more than ⅓ of the population is undernourished, and the infant mortality rate has increased year-on-year. The main reason for all this is the civil war in the country, which has been going on for nine years.

How does STELP help?

STELP has been active in Yemen since 2019. To fight hunger directly and actively, we have already been able to set up seven soup kitchens in schools there. Over 2010 schoolchildren and 90 teachers receive a meal every day. In this way, we create an incentive for parents to send their children to school. In October 2021, we built a tent school, which now offers 180 children a perspective. In addition to the already prevailing food shortage, wheat is becoming increasingly scarce due to the war in Ukraine. Therefore, we have also set up an emergency kitchen during the school vacations. With this, we can distribute up to 250 portions to children and adults every day.

We cannot look away when innocent people, when children suffer. World Food Day reminds us that we can make a difference. Only with your support can STELP continue these projects and help fight global hunger. Every euro counts – every donation counts!

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