Yemen is currently the tragic site of one of the world’s biggest humanitarian disasters. According to the German Federal Foreign Office, more than 21 million people in the country, which has been depleted by years of war, are dependent on humanitarian aid. More than 13.5 million children are threatened by famine, bombs and diseases such as dengue fever, diphtheria and cholera. Hospitals, markets and schools are destroyed or closed in many places. In places where schooling still takes place, it is not unusual for children to be so weakened by lack of nutrition that they collapse again and again. And yet it is precisely this young generation that will later be faced with the task of carrying out the arduous reconstruction in their homeland. In Yemen, we therefore focus our projects primarily on children. Our Supporter on Site Mohammed Baza supports us on site.

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)
- Funding of a soup kitchen that provides students and teachers at 7 schools with one essential meal a day
- Financing an emergency kitchen during school holidays with up to 250 portions of food per day

Education / Bildung (EDU)

- Financing the construction of two tent schools in the Dharawan Camp for internally displaced persons
- Funding the salary of a teacher and a guard to ensure the safety of the students
You can find more news about our project in Yemen here.