The war has been shaking Ukraine for over two years, with devastating effects on the civilian population: many people have lost their homes and loved ones, rocket attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure have long been part of everyday life, over 3.6 million people have fled within Ukraine, 6.7 million have left the country and, according to the United Nations, 65% of Ukraine’s energy production capacity has been destroyed. STELP has been providing both acute emergency aid and long-term support since the beginning of the war.

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)
- Financing of emergency aid in the form of food in cooperation with the Blindspots association

Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion / Wasser-, Sanitärversorgung und Hygienenaufklärung (WASH)

- Reconstruction of the independent water supply and purchase of a truck after a dam burst in Ukraine

Health / Gesundheit (HEA)
- Financing of medical supplies to hospitals on the frontline
- Support for the evacuation of children and young people
- Financial support for the purchase of 1100 bottles of Aminoven (intravenous nutrition)

Education / Bildung (EDU)

- Funding for further training for 350 psychologists on working with traumatized children

Shelter and Settlement / Notunterkünfte und Siedlungen (SHS)
- Evacuations of adults and children on the frontline

Here you can find our current projects in Ukraine.
Our partners in Ukraine:
You can find more news regarding our projects in the Ukraine here.