The earthquakes in 2023 devastated the regions in north-eastern Syria in particular, where internally displaced people are seeking refuge. Around 4.5 million people currently live in opposition-controlled areas. The region around Idlib was hit hard. Warm winter clothing, food and medical care were in short supply there even before the devastating earthquakes in the camps for refugees. The people there live in horrible conditions.

Health / Gesundheit (HEA)
- Financing of two aid convoys with medical supplies

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)

- Financing of truckloads of relief supplies such as food for the victims of the earthquakes
Here you can find our current projects in Syria.
Our partners in Syria:
You can find more news about our projects in Syria here.

After the emergency aid provided, the work is now focused on building long-term shelters and support for those affected.

STELP supports a camp for refugees in Salqin with wood pellets and food parcels. The situation in the camps for internaly dispersed persons is dramatic.

We are expanding our outreach to Syria with the Civilian Crisis Unit Network. An aid convoy has left for Aleppo and Afrin.