Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently facing a number of humanitarian and social challenges. The situation on the Bosnian-Croatian border is particularly alarming: numerous reports document pushbacks, where people fleeing are often violently pushed back. This practice violates international law and exacerbates the already precarious situation of many people seeking protection.

Food, Security and Nutrition // Nahrungsmittelsicherheit und Ernährung (FSN)
- Distribution of food to refugees in a refugee camp in Bihac
- Emergency aid for refugees on the Bosnian-Croatian border in cooperation with the SOS Balkanroute association

Shelter and Settlement / Notunterkünfte und Siedlungen (SHS)

- Distribution of blankets and sleeping bags to refugees in a refugee camp in Bihac
Here you can find more news about our projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mirsada is our Supporter on Site in Bosnia-Herzegovina. With her association “Radosti druženja”, she has founded a meeting center for children and adults with disabilities in Bihać. Find out what motivates her in her work in the interview.

Extreme rainfall has led to flooding and landslides in Bosnia-Herzegovina. A STELP team is now providing emergency aid on the ground.